How to know if I am meditating correctly
6 Signs to Know if You Are Meditating Correctly
Ever sat down to meditate and think, "Am I doing this right?"? Here is a simple guide to know if you’re meditating correctly!
“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
We’ve all been there, especially when we first start meditating. Sitting down crossed leg, closing our eyes and waiting for the magic to happen. Ever sat down to meditation and thought: “Am I doing this right?” This is the number one question that I get when people ask me about meditation.
The therapist in me would want to explore the question in of itself? What does it mean to you to do something correctly? Is there any space for you to explore and do things outside of the box? But for the purposes of this article, I will dive right into answering the question.
Let's get right into it
So you have started a meditation practice, but you want to make sure you aren’t wasting your time? We can all agree that we hate wasting our time.
The quick answer to the this question is, IT DEPENDS. Sorry for the ambiguity but to truly answer this question “Are you meditating correctly” It depends on the the type of meditation you are practicing and how you are defining success.
Bottom LineÂ
For me, anytime I take time to sit down on my meditation cushion and quiet my mind, I consider it a job well done. I try to keep my expectations for the practice at bay and focus on the experience and what may come of for me. With that said, I have experienced what I would call pure meditation, when I experience the classic definition of Ashtanga meditation. During this time I can definitely tell the difference between Samadhi (union with the divine) and times where my mind seems to plagued with to-do lists and distracting thoughts the entire time I sit.
So my first question to you is what type of meditation are you practicing, and how are defining “correctly”?
If you subscribe to most forms of meditation practiced in the west, the good thing is there are some common factors associated with “meditating correctly”. Although, I urge you to take note of these factors, keep them (and any other expectations for meditation) at bay and when you sit down to practice.
Meditation is exactly that, a practice, and we can learn just as much about ourselves during those times that we aren’t technically meditating correctly, as well as those times that we tap into a traditional meditative state.
I can’t emphasize this enough
I want to stress, that if you don’t experience these signs when you sit to meditate, remember that meditation cannot be done, it is a spontaneous occurrence. And each time we sit, we are practicing setting the scene for this occurrence.
So all those times leading up to true meditation is just as important in helping us learn how to set the scene. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t experience the ultimate form of meditation every time you practice, there is so much substance and peace just from the practice of setting the scene.
So here’s the deal
So here are some common factors of most meditation practices that will let you know if you are doing it right.
How To Know If You Are Meditating Right
6 Signs You Are Meditating Correctly:
When you experience pure meditation, you will experience a state of stillness that flows with ease. Your body will be still, resisting sensations. Your mind will be still, no longer jumping from one thought to another. And finally emotionally will have a sense of peace and stillness. The fidgetiness that we usually struggle with dissipates when we experience divine meditation, and because we are in a focused tranquility it seems effortless. Â
You Are Divine Observer
Along with that stillness comes the ability to become what is called, “the observer”. Instead of identifying with your thoughts, emotions, and sensations you will begin to be an observer, separate from them. During meditation you will notice space between your divine being and things you experience in the physical realm.
Spiritual Connection/Inner Peace
Along with this separateness as the observer, comes a connection with the divine. The still, calm, peaceful part of you that is always lurking in the background comes to forefront with astonishing clarity and alertness. "Simply being" holds a power like never before, because during meditation you get to experience JUST BEING and the divinity that comes with that.
No Judgment
When we meditate we also let go of judgement of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations. We offer acceptance to our experience with awareness and curiosity. This experience of non-judgement can also lead to feelings of appreciation and gratitude as we meditate.
Disconnected From Time
When we experience true meditation time seems to slow down. Our perspective of reality is less tainted and this clarity allows us to take in every moment disconnected from the boundaries of time.
Effortless Concentration
Finally, when meditation spontaneously occurs, we experience a feeling of effortless concentration. There is no more forcing, simply being. Our ability to stay present comes with ease and concentration on the meditation object or the divine flows naturally.
If you haven’t experienced these things don’t worry, just keep practicing and just know that each session is part of the process.
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Written by Tiffany Shelton, M.A., Owner of Conscious Life Shop, find out more about Tiffany here